Wednesday 1 September 2010


Yesterday (Tuesday 31st 2010) we found two unposted letters on a park bench. One had a stamp and the other was stampless. Being a good former girl guide and former boy scout there is never any difficulty in deciding what to do in situations like these. That's right. Rip the enevelopes open and see if there's any money in them!

Naturally we went up to the Post Office and immediately posted the one with the stamp. There was a queue of customers out to the street which Polly insisted on joining to but a stamp for the other. Twenty (20) minutes later she emerged. By that time my sciatic nerve, which has been cruelly nipped since November of last year, was giving me gyp but I managed to smile at our good deed and off we went to trawl the charity shops. I found a book for the wife - she doesn't know about it yet but will next week when it is her birthday and mine. We share the same birthday.

I think it was George Bernard Shaw who threw his letters unstamped out of his window trusting in the charitable nature of passers-by to put the postage on them and send them on to the recipient.

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